If you are having issues using or accessing purchased DLC such as the Car Pass, add-on bundles, or expansions please try the troubleshooting at the end of this page.
Commonly reported issues:
- Car pass cars say unreleased (or lists a past date) when they are already out.
- Game indicates you need to buy DLC you have already purchased
- Unable to access purchased expansion.
DLC Car resources
- How to Add Your DLC Cars to Your Garage on FH5
- How to Add Your DLC Cars to Your Garage on FH4
- How to add Hot Wheels cars to your garage FH5
- How to add Rally Adventure cars to your garage FH5
Xbox and Windows resources
Doublecheck the purchase and installation status of your DLC.
- Xbox Support - Find your games and add-ons
- Xbox Support - Troubleshoot game or app installation problems on your Xbox console
- Windows Support - Troubleshooting downloadable content on Windows 10/11
If you share accounts, devices, or consoles with friends or family members please review these pages and make sure those are managed the way you want.
- Xbox Support - Sharing your Xbox Live Gold subscription
- Xbox Support - How home Xbox and game sharing work
- Windows Support - Sharing Windows 10 Store Apps with your Family
- Windows Support - How your PC gaming account relates to your Microsoft Store account
DLC Troubleshooting Steps
Please try the following things for the platform you're playing on and try to sync your save after each step:
If you get the message to pick between save files please note the wording is confusing. The date is when the save was created, not when it was last saved.
PC Windows 10/11 Version
Update Windows
- Verify that your windows version is up to date. If you are using an older version of Windows DLC may not work properly or at all.
- Get the latest Windows update
- If possible try to load your save on a different device. (A different PC or Xbox)
- Please restart your PC then load your game to sync data.
- Please try to manually update (or install) the game and any DLC using the Microsoft Store.
UWP Reset Application
- Windows>Settings>Applications>title>Advanced Options>Reset
Perform a Windows Store reset
- Press the Win+R keys to open the Run dialog.
- Type WSReset.exe, and click/tap on OK.
- The WSReset tool resets the Windows Store without changing account settings or deleting installed apps.
- A command prompt will now open without any message. After about 30 seconds, the command prompt will automatically close, and the Microsoft Store app will open.
Repair Game services
- Open Windows settings > Apps > Gaming Services > Advanced Options > Repair
Remote install Forza
- Uninstall Forza from your PC
- Follow the instructions in this Microsoft guide on how to use Remote Install on your device
Check devices attached to your account
- Go to the Microsoft Account site: https://account.microsoft.com/
- Make sure you're logged into the account that you use to play and use the Microsoft Store with.
- Scroll down to the device section.
- Select View all devices.
- Remove/Unlink any device that you are no longer using
- Scroll down to "Microsoft Store device management"
- Select Manage (This will take you to this page (https://account.microsoft.com/devices/content)
- Remove/Unlink a device that you are no longer using.
- After removing any unused devices and putting your account under 10 devices Restart your PC
Reinstall the Gaming Services app on your Windows 10/11 device:
- Select the Search icon on the taskbar, type powershell, right-click on Windows PowerShell, and then select Run as administrator.
- In Windows PowerShell, type the following command and press Enter:
get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers - In the same window, type the following command and press Enter:
start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN - Install the app on that page and select Yes when you receive the User Account Control (UAC) prompt.
- Restart your device and try to install the game again.
PC Steam Version
- Please restart your PC then load your game to sync data.
- Reset your copy of Forza on Steam
- Right click Forza from your games list
- Select Properties from the context menu
- From the Properties menu select Local Files
- Click 'Verify Integrity of Local Game Files...'
Update Console
- Make sure the console has the most up to date OS version installed.
Load save on another device
- If possible, try to load your save on a different device. (A different PC or Xbox)
Verify game is updated
- Please try manually updating the game and any DLC using the Store/Games & Apps.
- https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/games-apps/my-games-apps/how-to-find-out-if-games-are-updated-for-xbox-one-x
- Try pressing and holding the power button on your console until it turns off, unplug it from the power supply for 10 minutes, plug it back in and see if it continues.
Remove the Game from Quick Resume
- Fully Close the Game
- Navigate to the Xbox Dashboard
- Press Xbox Button on controller to open the guide
- Select My Games & Apps
- Select More Options
- Select Remove from Quick Resume
- Launch the game
Resync your save to the cloud
- Go to Manage Game > Saved Data > your profile > Delete from console.
- Do not select Delete from Everywhere as this will delete ALL of your data.
- Relaunch the game and let it sync to the cloud.
- Reset your console by going to the system's settings, console info, reset console and choose the option "Reset and keep my games & apps"
- Uninstall then reinstall the game and any DLC.
- Uninstall the game. After the game is uninstalled, uninstall a couple different games/apps or install some games/apps so that when you reinstall the game, it's installed to a different part of the HDD.
Remote install Forza
- Uninstall Forza from your PC
- Follow the instructions in this Microsoft guide on how to use Remote Install on your device