What do I need to stream Forza Motorsport 7?
To play Forza Motorsport 7 via Cloud gaming you’ll need:
- An XBOX Game Pass Ultimate account (for regional support check here: https://www.xbox.com/regions)
- An Android (6.0 or above) mobile device with the XBOX Game Pass app installed
- A Bluetooth-enabled XBOX or supported controller
- A stable internet connection (WiFi or LTE) of at least 10Mbps
Is this this full version of Forza Motorsport 7?
Absolutely, you can play everything Forza Motorsport 7 has to offer, via Cloud gaming on Game Pass Ultimate. You can put down laps, tune your cars, create liveries and expand your collection all from your mobile device.
Do you have any tips for maximizing my experience?
We have tested Forza Motorsport 7 with players and have a short list of best practices to maximize your enjoyment when racing on the Cloud:
- Use Driver Assists. FM7 provides a wealth of driving assist features to help both new and veteran players get the most out of your car. If you are experiencing lag-related control difficulties try setting Braking to Assisted and Traction Control to Super Easy. If you’re finding just staying on the track is hard, consider setting Steering to Assisted.
- You can also try changing the Global Assist Setting to dial in the best preset for your situation.
- Find out more about Driver Assists on our support page here: https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/360005363194-Difficulty-Assists-and-Drivatars
- Avoid using multiple Bluetooth devices at once when playing; for instance, if using a Bluetooth controller make sure you’re using a wired headset
- Use approved controllers. You can find a list of approved devices here: https://support.xbox.com/help/games-apps/cloud-gaming/cloud-gaming-tested-controllers
- Play on WiFi whenever possible, especially on the 5GHz band. Lag can be especially noticeable with driving games and you may notice this as increased and harder to control fishtailing on track.