From inappropriate user-generated content (UGC) to ramming in multiplayer, when a Code of Conduct violation happens, we want you to be prepared and well informed when it comes to the player reporting process so your information gets to the right place.
Common violations that result in enforcement action in Forza titles include:
- Inappropriate liveries, layer groups, and photos.
- UGC covers liveries, layer groups, blueprint titles, photos and anything else that can be player edited or created in any Forza title. All Forza titles are rated E for Everyone and as such, all UGC must adhere to that rating.
- Intentional wrecking and unsportsmanlike conduct in multiplayer.
You can read the Forza Enforcement Guidelines for more information.
To take a screen shot or video capture:
- Xbox: Press the Xbox button on your controller > Y for Screenshot or X for Video Capture.
- PC: Screenshot ALT F1 with Nvidia / record ALT + Z or shortcut you have.
Reporting in game
Auction House
- *Please do NOT submit a ticket for offensive items in the Auction House.
- To report an inappropriate or offensive item in the Auction House: Select Auction Options > Report Auction > OK.
Vinyl Groups & Liveries
- *Please do NOT submit a ticket for UGC if the inappropriate content is on the players creative hub.
- To report an inappropriate or offensive vinyl group or livery: Select Creator Info > Report > Report Offensive Content > OK.
- *If the item in question is NOT in the creative hub, you may submit a ticket.
- *Please include the players Gamertag and screen shots for evidence.
- *Please do NOT submit a ticket for Photos if the inappropriate content is visible in-game.
- To report an inappropriate photo: Navigate to the photo you wish to report: Select Creator Info > Report > Report Offensive Content > OK.
- *If the item in question is NOT in the creative hub, you may submit a ticket.
- *Please include the players Gamertag and screen shots for evidence.
- *Please do NOT submit a ticket for blueprints.
- To report an inappropriate blueprint: Select Creator Info > Report > Report Offensive Content > OK.
- To report a player you suspect of cheating please submit a ticket and the Forza Support & Safety team will investigate.
- *Please include the players Gamertag and any screen shots/links/videos for evidence.
- To take a screen shot or video capture:
- Xbox: Press the Xbox button on your controller > Y for Screenshot or X for Video Capture.
- PC: Screenshot ALT F1 with Nvidia / record ALT + Z or shortcut you have.
- To take a screen shot or video capture:
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
- To report a player for repeated unsportsmanlike conduct, please submit a ticket and the Forza Support & Safety team will investigate.
- A clip of the incident MUST be included. You must upload a clip or provide a link to a clip in order for us to investigate. All clips MUST include Gamertags.
- To take a screen shot or video capture:
- Xbox: Press the Xbox button on your controller > Y for Screenshot or X for Video Capture.
- PC: Screenshot ALT F1 with Nvidia / record ALT + Z or shortcut you have.
- You can find your clip on or upload it directly. (depending on file size)
- To take a screen shot or video capture:
- Any reports that do not include a clip of the infraction will not be processed.
Xbox Live Reporting & Enforcement
Should you be unable to report a player in-game or encounter a Code of Conduct violation that falls outside of Forza, such as abusive voice communications or messages, please refer to the following pages on how to engage Xbox Live Enforcement:
- How to file a complaint
- How to submit a report on Xbox One and Windows
- Mute, block, or avoid other players on Xbox Live
Submitting a Report a Player ticket
- Select the Report a Player form from the drop down menu
- Enter the Subject (i.e. Cheating / Gamertag ) and the Gamertag of the player you are reporting
- Include which Forza title this occurred in or involves.
- The date in which this occurred
- For Multiplayer reports, include the lobby the violation occurred in
- Select the Violation from the drop down menu
- Type a description and use this area to include a link to the captured DVR.
- Select yes or no to providing more information and then attach any screen shots or clips
Once the form is filled out, click SUBMIT and it will be routed to our Forza Support & Safety Team.