- The game offers 15 different Layouts for controller inputs for: Brake, Gas, Clutch, Shift Up, Shift Down, Handbrake, Switch Camera, Look Straight Back, Free Look, Steering, Rewind, Toggle Telemetry, and Pause.
- For each layout you can also toggle: D-Pad Steering, Vibration, Switch Gear Up/Down, Switch Handbrake/Clutch, Switch Lookback Camera, Rewind on View Button
- Press X for Advanced control of deadzones for Steering, Acceleration, Braking, Clutch, Handbrake, and Vibration Scale. Deadzones are the areas at the ends of stick and trigger motion where the game identifies zero or full input. Tip: For the most precise control, set deadzones as near to their extremes (0/100) as your controller will allow without phantom inputs.
Forums: discussion thread on controller mapping