- Increasing difficulty increases the bonus factor for event credit payout. Setting Braking and Steering to Assisted will make it easier for inexperienced users to just hit the gas and go.
- Game Difficulty has preset options or allows Custom settings for each Assist.
- Drivatar Difficulty affects the skill of your virtual opponents.
- Assisted/On/Off level settings for Braking, Steering, Traction Control, Stability Control
- Shifting: Automatic, Manual, Manual w/Clutch (requires sequential button press to shift correctly)
- Driving Line: Off, Braking Only, Full. Green indicates speed up, while the line will turn yellow, orange, and red to suggest braking for turns.
- Damage & Tire Wear. (in FH2: None, Cosmetic, Simulation)
- Rewind.
(Written by Manteomax)