The Homespace is where your current car is shown in screensaver mode on the main menu and in Forzavista. The gamescom demo revealed a garage homespace.
Can the homespace show more than one car at the same time?
What is Forzavista? Where is it?
Introduced as Autovista in FM4, Forzavista is an up-close mode enabling you to open a car's doors, hood, and trunk, get in the car, honk the horn, rev the engine, and access aesthetic customization options. According to Turn 10, "Every car in Forza Motorsport 7 features a full Forzavista experience, allowing players to discover each car’s unique characteristics in exquisite detail. Nowhere is the Forzavista level of detail more apparent than with car engines." "In fact, we’re making the Forzavista experience even better by allowing players to explore cars not only in our gorgeous pre-made home spaces, but also track-side before the race begins."^ There is no men tile to enter Forzavista - look for the button icon in the lower right corner of the screen (press down on right stick for controller). In the Buy Car and My Garage menu, you can press X to 'explode' all doors even though this command is not visible on screen (Xbox).
Forzavista icons and options
Move your controller to a door to open it and then push forward to enter the car. Inside the car you can start the engine to hear it rev and rumble. Anywhere there is an "i" icon you can select it for detailed info on that part of the car. The color wheel icon opens the paint menu (use the main menu to find Vinyl Groups), and a crossed wrench will allow you to install parts that affect aesthetics (rims, lowered springs, aero) as well as Quick Homologate (use the main menu for the full range of upgrade options). Photo Mode is also available in Forzavista.
(Written by Manteomax)